Looking for somebody special? What kind of women are you naturally drawn to?
Dear Friend and Suitor,
It’s nice to be talking to you. Please allow me to introduce myself: I’m Victoria Peche, a delightful young lady looking to make your acquaintance.
A little bit about me: I’m of Russian-French origin; I lived in both those countries and absorbed the rich culture and delicious cuisines. That made me an appreciator of all things fine in life.
After years of tedious formal education (modest life, but the fantasies I created in my head were not that modest), I became a proud corporate worker. I’ve never seen so many men in suits in my life, and put-together corporate men was about the only thing I liked about my job.
Then I decided to pursue my sports career, and was in fact a pro-athlete in my childhood. I was a trainer, a magazine model, and an achieved contestant of bikini completions. I stood tall on stage, holding my trophy, at 10% body fat, and all I could think about was ice-cream and steak.
The money of the corporate career and the excitement of modelling… I felt that something was missing.
The sense of being desired, fulfilled, complete, and making somebody very happy. I realized my love languages were not fame and fortune or acts or recognition. They were touch, freedom of expression, playfulness, and being useful. And I understood that there is one thing I can do and be the best at is
…to be a companion to a man of a fine taste, class, and intelligence!
I’m longing for your company, and you are for mine. The activities we’ll be doing together are a vehicle to the excellent experience created, and the essence is my engaging attitude.
I love reading what makes you tick and enhancing the scene; it’s about giving validation to your nature in a safe and open environment.
In essence, my companionship has much more to do with meeting of minds and hearts, as I’m both super empathic and intelligent while being totally real.
Cheers to the deepest and most exciting journey for both of us!
At a Glance…
• 31 Years Old
Youthful appearance, but mature enough if necessary.
• Blond/Blue eyes:
Though I sometimes feel like a brunette and have an easy fix.
• 5.6ft and 125 lb.
Narrow frame with an athletic build due to the sports past. High energy level comes as a bonus.
• French/Russian Ethnicity
Conversational French, fluent Russian. Tried wine way too early and am now a very light drinker.
• Master’s degree:
Just throwing that in there, doesn’t hurt. Or maybe you like ‘em smart.
• Looks:
Elegant & classy. Would design a Little Black Dress but Coco Chanel did it first. Very natural looking, and am one of those lucky women who doesn’t require an emergency make-up kit in the morning.
If you’ve enjoyed my brief intro, move on to the visual stimuli or peruse engagement options. I look forward to making your acquaintance!
Baiser passionne,

Book your sweet time
I’m Victoria Peche, a delightful young lady looking to make your acquaintance. I’m located in downtown San Jose, but would be delighted to travel to your location. A two-hour minimum required for travel arrangements, plus travel fee if outside of San Jose.
Clients Love

Victoria is a modern woman with an old fashioned soul, of models looks and a confidence of a city girl, yet an appealing degree of youthful vulnerability. Being with her is easy and effortless, which I’m sure is a lot of effort on her side. Her energy is magnetizing, and her intensity is bracing and relaxing at the same time.